Our hope is that this podcast, A Fiber Life, will do for you, what it has for us…inspire you to live with every FIBER of your being. Join us as we share the sounds and stories of our first podcast season, Our Guanaco Adventure! We will be releasing new episodes beginning January 1, 2022!!

Hi, I’m Lisa!
I’m a fiber farmer and land steward committed to making beautiful things and making a beautiful life. I raise animals for their fiber, ceate things you can buy, and write and tell stories about the discoveries I make along the way.
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More from a Fiber life...
Episode 4: How is life like a tapestry weaving?
We make countless decisions every day—from whether to snooze the alarm, to what to eat for breakfast, to how long…
Episode 3: What will you do with this one wild and precious life?
You know how frustrating it can be when you’re exhausted and you finally get to lay your head on the…
Episode 2: When a couple finds their third thing
Every couple needs a “we” or a third thing—a focal point that exists not solely within one individual but rather…
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Our animals work year round to grow the most exquisite fibers because we’re the only commercial source of guanaco fiber in the US. Spinners, knitters, and natural fiber wearers, we can’t wait for you to touch the softness.
Beautiful, Lisa…I shared on my Facebook page.
You are an inspiration to me, as I have lost my ability to be an art therapist at my longtime job due to covid…I haven’t found a new calling yet, but maybe there is an open door somewhere.
Thank you Judith. All the best to you.
Love it Lisa! I’m amazed by your ingenuity, but then maybe not. You have constantly amazed me since the moment we met and find myself fortunate to call you a friend!
Merry Christmas to you both
Awww, you too Rose!!!
I can’t wait to listen to your podcast and share this with my friends and clients! I love how you’ve included all the different sounds in your day! It’s such a great way to engage all our senses! Congrats on this new venture!
So nice to see you here, Beth. Thank you.
I love it Lisa and look forward to hearing more next year. I would follow you anywhere….
So sweet of you Margaret. Wonderful to see you here.
Hi Lisa,
I’m excited and look forward to hearing about your journey. You have been so encouraging and creative in the past and I know whatever you share in the new podcast will be a huge blessing to all. Thankyou
This is is so inspirational and soothing to listen to! Thanks for sharing!
You are such an inspiration Lisa! I look forward to to hearing more about your beautiful journey.
Love the cadence of your voice and storytelling ability. There is a calmness the listener experiences . Well done!
Patience Robinson Nelson from Sewickley
Happy New Year Lisa. It was a wonderful way to begin the year with your soothing voice and wonderful story. I can see that your move was the right one. Thank you for all your teachings along the way. I feel fortunate to have experienced them. Washington is calling….
It’s so wonderful so see you here, Betty!!