Episode 4: The Great Guanaco Escape

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Trust builds connection, and over time, connection builds bonds. So, how you show up–every day, over time, matters. It’s a practice. It doesn’t happen because you just want it to, it happens because you are consistent and trustworthy. My friend Shelley, who is a wonderful therapist, boils it down to this. She says, “You can either nurture a relationship or chip a relationship. There’s no in-between.” So, you are either moving toward or away, strengthening or weakening. In this episode, we’re going to talk about how we’ve bonded with our guanacos. How, out of desperation, we had to learn a gentler way of handling them which led to deeper connections.And how those bonds were tested when one of our females escaped the pasture and ran into the forest!

Show Notes & Episode Transcript

“Ok, missy, Halter on, you’re such a silly,” Lisa says to her guanaco Alma while haltering her.

“She is so darling, isn’t she?” Greg says

“Okay, shall we go for a little walk?” Lisa suggests.

Lisa Mitchell
Hi, I’m Lisa!

I’m a fiber farmer and land steward committed to making beautiful things and making a beautiful life. I raise animals for their fiber, ceate things you can buy, and write and tell stories about the discoveries I make along the way.


  1. Rose Sires on February 1, 2022 at 7:34 pm

    Hey you two, I just finished listening to your recent podcast.
    I do understand the kinder, gentle association with you animals that are in your care. We use to have a farm and Ralph and I also practice much of what your doing. Ralph, more than me because he was the one out with them all the time. I was more leary because of being attacked by a bull and tossed around like I was a ball. But it is how I trained Hope. Yes, it is much easier to establish this relationship when you have a young mind to work with because it will become commonplace over time. Now, I’m not sure if you will ever experience them running to you with joy in their hearts and smothering you in kisses, but you have a good start.
    I can tell you both enjoy your work😊
    Fondly, Rose

  2. […] Ep 4: The Great Guanaco Escape […]

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Our animals work year round to grow the most exquisite fibers because we’re the only commercial source of guanaco fiber in the US. Spinners, knitters, and natural fiber wearers, we can’t wait for you to touch the softness.