Episode 2: The Darker Side of our Guanaco Adventure

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In this episode, I want to take you to the darker side of our guanaco adventure.  I’m going to tell you how we faced poor animal conditions and injury, even the tragic death of someone very important. By the end, once you hear these stories, you might be as surprised as we are that during this difficult time neither of us screamed a warning cry. Nor did we go running away and let our instincts take over –instead, we were changed by it all. And the funny thing is.  Our guanacos were changed too.

This episode is a long one. I promise the surprise at the very end is worth listening for! After you are done listening about the obstacles we faced and how we were changed by them, we’d like to hear about times when you were able to lean into your fear? What kind of good things happened as a result? Tell us in the comments at the bottom of the page! You can also see a wonderful picture of Angie nuzzling Lisa toward the end!!

Show Notes & Episode Transcript

When our guanacos scream it jars me. They are usually such quiet animals but their warning call is a shriek that makes my hairs stand up and sends shivers down my spine. A scream means they are dead set on the idea that things are bad. Very bad.

I used to think that Guanacos were always like that– That they don’t have a choice about these freakouts because their instinctual response to danger is so strong.

Lisa Mitchell
Hi, I’m Lisa!

I’m a fiber farmer and land steward committed to making beautiful things and making a beautiful life. I raise animals for their fiber, ceate things you can buy, and write and tell stories about the discoveries I make along the way.

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Our animals work year round to grow the most exquisite fibers because we’re the only commercial source of guanaco fiber in the US. Spinners, knitters, and natural fiber wearers, we can’t wait for you to touch the softness.