
guanaco baby


May 4, 2020
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It’s always been a thing–to knit while I wait. Instead of turning into a useless blog of dread or excitement, my hands move and my fingers take action. It makes all the difference in the world.


Dropped Stitches

April 20, 2020

I learned to knit when I was six My Grandma Who-Who taught me to knit when I was six. We…

frogging knitting

Frogging: How knitters fix mistakes

February 1, 2020
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To Frog or not to Frog: In knitting, the term frogging explains itself. It is the process by which the…

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Our animals work year round to grow the most exquisite fibers because we’re the only commercial source of guanaco fiber in the US. Spinners, knitters, and natural fiber wearers, we can’t wait for you to touch the softness.